Their perennial full page article about Israel tells us that "Palestinians Worry About the Cost of Peace". The article proceeds to lay out the story of a family in the Palestinian village of Jayyous and the hardships they face as a result of the wall/security barrier that separates them from their land. Paragraph five of the article tells us about this hardship
"A relative of the mayor, Tawfiq Salim, 57, owns prime land with his brother, Jamil, that is the center of a dispute roiling the village and beyond. On Dec. 10, bulldozers acting for an Israeli company uprooted nearly 650 of their olive trees, some of them 600 years old, he said. The men at the controls said the land, which lies on the Israeli side of the barrier, belonged to the company."Then in Paragraph 12 we learn
"I depended on my olives for everything," Mr. Salim said. "I have not one inch of land inside the village." He has five sons and two daughters. "How can my sons think of peace when they've paid such a heavy price?"
The head of civil administration talked to both sides and found that a Jayyous resident sold the land to the Israeli company in a deal approved in June 2003. The company had a permit to uproot the trees.You would think that this article could be entitled "Swindling Liar Wastes Reporter's Time". Maybe tomorrow. In fairness there is this
The Salims, who dispute the accuracy of the Israeli maps, are examining legal options, including a lawsuit. Israeli, Palestinian and foreign peace advocates are planning demonstrations, including a replanting of olive trees on the disputed land.Where would the world be without foreign 'advocates' trespassing on 'disputed' lands and planting olive trees?
Finally we learn that
No mention why Muhammed was arrested and spent 10 months in prison. He just was arrested. Perhaps jaywalking, tax evasion or aiding a suicide bomber. We will never know. My guess is that it wasn't shoplifting or our fearless reporter would have mentioned it.Perhaps more important, he says, because of the permit system and the timing of the fence openings, he cannot hire enough regular workers to help him tend his land or bring in any water trucks, because they take longer than an hour to fill.
His son, Muhammad, 25, was arrested and spent 10 months in prison, Mr. Omar said, and so cannot get a permit to cross the barrier from Jayyous to the family's farmland. He has two other sons and four daughters, but he says they cannot get permits either, because "they are the brothers of Muhammad."
How any of this is related to "Palestinians fearing the cost of peace" is beyond me.
The next article that caught my eye was a headline which in the print version had the title "Ohio Recount gives Bush Smaller Margin" (Note: Quoting from memory) but on the NYT website is "Ohio Recount Ends, Shows Vote Closer". The article proceeds to tell us that 8 weeks and 1.5 million dollars later it turns out that Bush was credited with 300 more votes that he deserved. In the end Bush garnered 118,457 votes more than Kerry. The difference between the original number of votes Bush defeated Kerry by and the new number amounts to just two tenths of one percent (0.2%).
Although it is true that the recount did show Bush had a smaller margin it would seem to me that the fairer and more accurate headline would be "County wastes 1.5 million dollars to find out what they already knew" or perhaps the less stinging "Ohio recount confirms Bush Election".
The day was not a complete waste. This moving article is well worth a read and tells you what a paper is capable of when they report the news rather try to invent it.